I'm looking for a new job
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This is a rather messy piece of writing, but I figured it made sense to write it 🙂
Having multiple options and comparing them always be significant, regardless of the outcome of the final decision.
You can hire me
I'm currently working for a Japanese company based in Tokyo.
For the following reasons, I am looking for a software engineer position at an overseas company:
- The economic situation in Japan is not favorable, and I'm not satisfied with the salary at my current company
- I want to broaden the scope of companies I can work for, regardless of the country
Following are my general info:
- I'm a software engineer with 4 years of experience
- I mostly write TypeScript, Rust and Documents
- I'm a fan of Open Source
- contribute to biomejs/biome (ex. rome/tools) as a core contributor
- contribute to Rust ecosystems (rust-clippy, rust-analyzer) a few times
- check my contribution from my profile
- explore GitHub to leave a bunch of stars for great projects
- I like safety development and developer experience
- I know how comment and documentation is important for sustainable development
- I have experience in SaaS (community platform, data-ops platform) and Ad (digital signage)
- I love collaborating with cool people on cool projects!
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/unvalley
- GitHub: https://github.com/unvalley
- X (Twitter): @unvalley_
If you are interested, please reach out to me via X (Twitter) DM (to the above account).