Rust: スタックとヒープのメモリアドレス

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fn main() {
    // Stack
    let s1 = 42;
    let s2 = s1;
    println!("--- Stack Variables ---");
    println!("s1: value = {}, address = {:p}", s1, &s1);
    println!("s2: value = {}, address = {:p}", s2, &s2);

    // Heap
    let h1 = String::from("hello");
    let h1_heap_ptr = h1.as_ptr(); // Pointer to heap data
    println!("\n--- Heap Variables ---");
    println!("--- Before Move ---");
    println!("h1: heap pointer = {:p}", h1_heap_ptr);
    println!("h1: stack address = {:p}", &h1);

    // Move ownership from h1 to h2
    let h2 = h1;
    // After this point, h1 is no longer valid

    let h2_heap_ptr = h2.as_ptr(); // Pointer to heap data
    println!("\n--- After Move ---");
    println!("h2: heap pointer = {:p}", h2_heap_ptr);
    println!("h2: stack address = {:p}", &h2);
    // Verify that the heap pointers before and after the move are the same
    println!("\n--- Verification ---");
        "Heap pointer unchanged after move: {}",
        (h1_heap_ptr == h2_heap_ptr)
--- Stack Variables ---
s1: value = 42, address = 0x7ffc642f29a8
s2: value = 42, address = 0x7ffc642f29ac

--- Heap Variables ---
--- Before Move ---
h1: heap pointer = 0x55e261b99b50
h1: stack address = 0x7ffc642f2ae0

--- After Move ---
h2: heap pointer = 0x55e261b99b50
h2: stack address = 0x7ffc642f2c10

--- Verification ---
Heap pointer unchanged after move: true
  • ヒープデータのムーブ後、元の変数は無効となり、新しい所有者が同じヒープデータを指すポインタを持つ
  • ヒープデータを所有する変数(h1)の所有権を別の変数にムーブしても、ヒープ自体のメモリアドレスは変わらない